If Lady Gaga can call her followers that, then I can too. Because that's what you all are, my little monster followers. So it's been a while! I hate it when I read blogs and people spend the first paragraph apologizing for not blogging in a long time. I even used to apologize to my diary like it had feelings and missed me.
Life has been so wonderful this past month and a half! I built a deck, repointed 3 massive chimneys on top of a very tall house with a silly steep roof, dropped my phone off of a balcony, fell off of a bucket on top of that same damned balcony, led 4 awesome volunteer groups, went to a beer and dogs festival in City Park, saw the Lumineers, went (several times) to a clothing-optional bar with a pool (I wore clothes), drove 3 hours to pick up flooring from two old Cajun men who gave me a jewelry box made of 1000 year old Cypress wood, got another haircut (no more rat tail!), carved pumpkins on the north shore, listened to the new Willie Nelson album of duets obsessively, worked at a pumpkin patch and missed meeting Will Smith by 5 minutes, gotten concrete in a wound, bruised almost every square inch of my legs at one point or another at work, seen lots of Saints games, driven to Nashville and Pensacola, cat-sat for my boss (is there a past tense way to say that?), tried all sorts of gumbo, jambalaya, red beans and rice and other delicious New Orleansy things, seen a Halloween parade in the French Quarter, and had entirely too many Abitas.
This is the deck I built! It's for an AC unit; it's not just the smallest wooden situation in the universe |
Anyways, there will be lots of Halloween festivities this week! Bob the Builder will be back out in full force. It's amazing how handy having a screwdriver and 14 pockets is when you're out and about!